Thoughts from Connie Oswalt, our director of Congregational Care...

1.  People are needed to be part of a visitation team for shut-ins who can't get to church...(1) in home (2) in nursing home or other facility (3) in hospital.

2.  People needed to help gather and send boxes of goodies to college students from our church so each student knows he/she is being thought of by their church family.

3.  People needed for a Rapid Response Team to assist with help when someone needs a ramp installed at their home, a furnace goes out, or the refridgerator or other appliance needs to be fixed/replaced and people are unsure of who to call.  Our team would hellp them search for that need.

4.  Funeral Dinner Team is needed to be ready to set up, help prepare the meal or find volunteers to provided needed items, serve and clean up after the meal.  

5. Volunteer(s) to take a meal to the family of someone who just had a baby or had a stay in the hospital and is recovering at home.  This is organized online via Meal Train and shared with our congregation by the church office.  You can sign up to provide homemade or restraunt purchased meals on a certain day or you can purchase a giftcard for the family to get a meal from a restraunt.  

6.  Pastor Appreciation Month is in October.  Volunteers are needed to plan a celebration gift card shower, etc. to bless Pastor Brian and his wife, Kim.  This is something that can be done by the entire congregation.  You may also plan something for you and your family to do on your own.

7.  A team of people to call anc check-in on those who have been missing from in-person church services.

8.  Christmas Caroling to shut-ins takes place every December.  All are welcome, no special singing talent is necessary.  We pack small bags of goodies to deliver and will neeed help collecting those items.  Information about this event is shared in the Sunday bulletins.

9.  We are always in need of people to send cards to our shut-ins or someone who is going through an exciting or sorrowful life event (birthday, anniversary, graduation, loss of a loved one, thinking of you).  Cards are signed from "Faith Church."  Please contact Connie Oswalt or the church office if you know of someone we should send a card to.  Our card writing team has been busy writing cards for our current list of receipients.  

10.  Volunteers are also needed to help prepare, set up and clean up Communion for one or both services.  Communion is usually on the first Sunday of every month.